Double Trouble

We have received the greatest gift we could possibly get. Not one, but two children to love.

Thursday, February 01, 2007


Wow, I didn't realize it had been so long since I posted here. There is just no time to breathe, I am typing this one handed (Justin is in the other hand) as it is. So ah let's see.

Justin had his surgery, it went well but he did not do so well on the anesthesia. He had breathing issues and his temperature was very low. It was very scary. They said that those things could happen since he was a preemie but we were just hoping that it wouldn't happen. So Justin, me and my mom spent a long night in the hospital. He is fine from this now and everything healed nicely. This past week he has had projectile vomiting, so he has been put on Zantac. He has had reflux type issues since the NICU but they kept telling us he was too little to diagnose him. I guess they though he would grow out of it but we just hated seeing him in pain and hope that he will be more comfortable now and that the spitting up will stop.

Ellie is getting huge. We don't have an update yet on her brain issue, we just know that it did not get worse. She has had a sonogram and we have a neurologist appointment tomorrow, so we should know more then.

At their 2 month appointment, the doctor said they are thriving.

Ok well I started this post 3 days ago and had to stop and could not get back to it until now. Hopefully I will be able to finish.

Ellie had her neurologist appointment and there was nothing new really. Her brain did not get any worse is what the last sonogram is showing. Now she will have a cat scan, not for any reason, just since she has not had one in a while and her issue needs constant monitoring. Her muscle tone and reflexes were good which is important to check because poor muscle tone can mean some neurological issues (ex. cerebral palsy, etc.)So everything went well. Justin's tests all show that he has no brain issues. So even though it did not go as well as we would ultimately like, it went pretty well.

Ellie also had an eye doctor appointment this week. Both of them had slow developing eyes but now they are right where they should be, so that is good news!

Justin still seems to have one bad spitting up "episode" a day. But I guess that is normal since he is still gaining weight and the doctor is not too concerned at this point.

Both of them were weighed on Monday and they are doing so well. We are so excited. Justin was 7lbs 4.5oz and Ellie was 8lbs 10oz. It is really so amazing to see them growing so much. It is hard to believe they were so little when they were born.

Other than all these medical issues, things are ok. D and I are both exhausted and we fight alot but we love our babies so much and love being with them. It will just be better when we can get some more sleep. We still cannot take them out or have visitors. They have their 3 month appointment soon and we are hoping to get the ok to at least have a few adults over at a time to see them. We can't wait to show them off!! And I am looking forward to seeing people. Well I should end this before I get interrupted as it is almost feeding time again. Below is the ling for the latest pictures for anyone that is interested. Hope to be able to post here again and post on my friends blogs soon.


At 2/02/2007 8:02 AM , Blogger dawn said...

So glad they are doing so well. As for the fighting with you and Dino, Jason and I went through that too. Things do get better!! I promise.

At 2/02/2007 12:36 PM , Blogger Amy said...

The babies look wonderful! I'm so glad to hear that they are doing ok and growing.

At 2/06/2007 2:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update! Love the pics. They really are sweet together.

At 2/06/2007 10:31 PM , Blogger Jessica said...

Glad to see a blog from you! I already know most of this since I bug you a lot, but I'm glad things are going well and they are gaining weight. And don't worry about the fighting- lack of sleep could make anyone cranky!
I hope Justin's spitting up gets better and that more good news keeps coming.
Can't wait to get the OK to visit!

At 2/08/2007 12:55 PM , Blogger Tina / Anxious Changer said...

Great to see you blogging! I am so glad the babies are doing well and thriving! They are beautiful!

I hope things settle down for you - not only with the babies health issues but with everything. You need a break - and you deserve it! The fighting is normal - for all of us. You and Dino are way more stressed right now, so try your best not to look too much at it. It will get better.


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