Double Trouble

We have received the greatest gift we could possibly get. Not one, but two children to love.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

February stuff

So the babies had their 3 month appointment and did well but Justin did not gain as much weight as we and the doctors would have liked. He had projectile vomiting that had been getting worse and worse throughout the month and had been diagnosed with acid reflux and had been put on Zantac. The Zantac helped somewhat but he still had issues. They suggested putting rice cereal in his bottles and so far, so good. He gained half a pound in 5 days at his follow up appointment. So his last weight we have been told for him is 8lbs 6.5oz. We were so happy to hear that.

Something exciting that happened was that Ellie no longer has fluid on her brain. Woohooo!!! She does still have enlarged, mishapen ventricles, that could or could not present a problem later on. This is causing her head to be a little on the big side, however it is still on the chart and as long as she follows the curve, they are not concerned at the moment. But it is great news about the fluid.

The babies have also been having sleeping difficulties at night, as they have been conjested due to the heat in the house. We had a bit of a scare when Justin's breathing sounded so bad that the pediatrician sent him to the hospital to be checked out. He was fine but still it was scary. We are now giving them saline nose drops and using humidifiers and having them sleep in the bouncy seat and swing, as the conjestion gets worse at night when they are laying down. Hopefully this will just be for another month or so and then we can have a normal sleeping situation for them.

They are getting so big and doing more and more each day, (she is cooing, he tries to hold the bottle, etc.)it is so exciting to see each new thing. They are still fed every three hours around the clock, so we are still not getting much sleep. We are hoping that Passover and Easter will be their first family events, we just want to get the ok from the doctor.


At 2/23/2007 1:25 PM , Blogger Tina / Anxious Changer said...

So glad to see such a positive update! Excelent news on Ellie! And good news for Justin!

Re. Justin's issues: Two friends of mine had children with reflux and projectile vomiting. They used Zantac and the cereal in the bottle, which did help tremendously. The one little girl also had to use Mylanta on top of the Zantac - so, you could always ask about that too.

Do you have the old cast-iron radiators in your house? We do and it gets extremely dry. What we do is put pans of water on top of the radiators and put a little bit of Vicks in the water - it adds moisture to the air and also gives you the passway opening of the Vicks. Of course, when they kids are mobile, you will need to make sure they can't access the pans of water (we have our paths blocked for Chris).

Can't wait to see more pics!

At 2/24/2007 9:07 AM , Blogger Jessica said...

So glad to hear from you. I am glad things are going well. Sorry about Justin's reflux issues, I hope it keeps getting better. How scary about the breathing. Yea totally keep a humidifier going, hopefully that's helping.
YAY on Ellie's news! That's great, Prayers going her way about the ventricles.
Awww they sound like they are doing so great. I can't wait to come see them. SOON!

At 2/25/2007 7:34 PM , Blogger Amy said...

I'm so happy to see a post from you about the babies. I'm glad to hear that everything is going well and that Ellie's condition is getting better. Brandon also has acid reflux and is on meds too. I know how hard it is for you and dh to wake every three hours, but it will get better (I was so happy when Peter finally got to sleep all night!). My thoughts and prayers are with you and the twins. Please post some pics of the cuties when you can. :)


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