Double Trouble

We have received the greatest gift we could possibly get. Not one, but two children to love.

Monday, August 13, 2007

I am a horrible excuse for a mother

I can't believe I am actually going to tell people this because it is so embarrassing. Earlier, Justin almost fell out of his highchair head first. If bil was not here to catch him, I don't know what would have happened. I feel so awful and am still shaken up.

Not sure if you read my last post but everything is my fault. They don't sleep well, they don't eat well, they need helmets, they have issues, and now I can't even get them to take a nap they so desperately need. And all if that is my fault. I am just awful and I don't deserve them.


At 8/13/2007 9:47 PM , Blogger dawn said...

You are not an awful mom. You are truly a supermom as all moms to twins are. Mistakes and accidents happen trust me. Haley has a huge bump on her head today from banging into the wall. I am here if you need me

At 8/13/2007 10:05 PM , Blogger Jessica said...

I can't count how many times ME has fallen off the couch or whatever. It happens. ALL THE TIME. Bumps and bruises to prove it. Try not to blame yourself.

At 8/13/2007 11:55 PM , Blogger ilyse said...

Thanks for the reassurance guys, it really helps alot!

At 8/16/2007 4:22 PM , Blogger Tina / Anxious Changer said...

You are so NOT an awful mom! Chris fell off the bed when he was about 10 months old and I was crushed. He was fine - but my nerves were shot for a while after.

Accidents happen - and that is really all this was.


At 8/17/2007 1:31 PM , Blogger Amy said...

I absolutely agree with the gals above - you are not a bad mom at all! Your a terrific mommy and you can see that by looking at those precious little ones. I can't count the times Peter or Brandon fell off my bed (which is high) - accidents happen. It's unfortunate, but they happen. You can't beat yourself over it. And let me tell you, there will be more bruises and bumps as those two little ones grow. I think you should definitely have a heart to heart talk with dh and tell him that you need him to take over some responsiblities while you take care of the children. They are special needs children and that is draining. Is Justin on a sleep apnea monitor? I would talk to your doctor about putting him on one. That helped us so much with Peter when he was born. Ilyse, you are a wonderful, strong woman. The babies are very lucky to have you for a mother. And trust me, preemie babies can get any sickness around, so rushing them out of places at certain times is normal. It took me a while before I let Peter out of the house - even to my family's house. My dh was ignorant about how to deal with a preemie baby. I would usually go online and forward articles for him to read. I'm sorry your having such a hard time. But please know that it's normal. We all went through it. And trust me, it does get better. Now I'm dealing with two rebelous children! If you ever need to talk I'm here.


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