4 month pediatrician appointment
The babies had their 4 month pediatrician appointment today. They did very well. He is now 9 lbs 9.5oz and she is 11 lbs 5.5 oz. They are both 23 inches long. They have grown so much, it is really great.
Justin got an increase in his doseage of Zantac and we were told that he is doing well but to try to get him to eat a little more per feeding. We asked about his conjestion, but the doctor checked him out did not think there was a problem. So either he is just one of those babies that is conjested (like the doctor said some are. I guess we just have to deal for now until the spring comes. Oh yeah, we are probably going to take Ellie to an ENT (ear, nose and throat doctor)(see below) so we are going to take Justin too to ask about the conjestion even though they probably won't be able to tell us too much.
Ellie has this sort of "hyper girl" breathing and the doctor said she has something which of course I can't remember. It is a preemie issue that she will grow out of and that it is not harmful since she does it periodically but then calms down and does not do it 24/7. And if we wanted we could have her looked at by the ENT and at the very least the can explain things to us. That was the main issue with her. The other thing was that she spits up bad 2-3 times a week, and we told the doctor that we tried to put cereal in her bottle like we do in his but she won't take much. The doctor said to try to get her to take more cereal and it should help. And if not, we can try the Zantac. So tomorrow we begin fun and games with her bottle, nipples and formula to see how we can get her to take more cereal. Fun!
The best news of all though, is that we have been given the ok to take them out. They can be around other children as long as the other kids are not all up in their face and that no one they are around is sick. So we are very excited about that!!! This means we can go to the families for Easter and Passover and the babies can enjoy their first holidays.