Starbucks life
As many people know, I have been working as a Starbucks barista for about 6 weeks now. I have to say it is very entertaining working around a bunch of college aged (not all of them go to school) kids with just a handful of us thirtysomethings and the 1 or 2 older than that. I just laugh at the kids with their boyfriends and going out at 1am after work and all that. I remember the days. It kind of makes me feel old and young at the same time. Most of the people I work with are pretty nice and I think they are happy with me. I work about 12-14 hours a week right now. The money is not great but it adds up and you get tips. And it gets me out of the house which is good for me AND the twins right now.
Not that anyone reading this will really get it unless you work for Starbucks but here are just some peeves.
very few people actually empty the garbage behind the counter
very few people actually brew the coffee when it is needed
very few people actually brew the tea for the iced teas when it is needed until there is none left
when you're on register, you have line and 12 frappaccinos to make, it sucks, you have to do it all yourself and make people wait
very few people fill in the food case or take out the empty trays when needed
when you work with a splitting headache, like I did last night, it makes the headache like a million times worse
people that are rude and impatient when you are new and learning and tell them that nicely and ask them to bear with you
people that expect you to go through hoops for them, especially when the place is insanely busy, it is just a drink they are getting not brain surgery
people that tell you all their options (nonfat, decaf, extra shot, no whip, etc) first AND THEN the drink and then get mad that you are not fast enough, when you ring it in to the register, we can't do anything without knowing the drink and the size first
Other than the entertainment provided by the young twentysomethings, the funny thing is when you get entertainment like we did last night. I think this was a first for the Starbucks that I work at and it must have been a fraternity prank as there is a large SUNY school nearby. Around 15-20 guys came in running around the store in a line while screaming in nothing but their boxers. At first it was scary, we didn't know if they were going to try to steal anything or do anything to the customers. The manager was pissed of course as this obviously offended some people and she just yelled at them to get out and they eventually did. As far as the rest of us, soon as we realized that it was harmless, we thought it was hysterical. A nice comic relief for a stressful day.
Wow - too funny about the college prank! It's hard working at a job where people can be mean or clueless (I've had my share of dealing with people like that). Lots of props and hugs from the boys.
Many props to your for doing this... I think I would have chucked some coffees at my customers already. ;)
I didn't work in anything like a Starbucks...but I did work retail for about 6 months in college. Six months too long, in my opinion. People are just rude...and don't care how experienced you are, as long as their order is right. And, coworkers are always trying to pass the buck...and hope someone else will get annoyed enough to dump the garbage (cleaning the kitchen here at my job is similar - everyone uses it, no one wants to clean it).
Love the college prank! I hope they at least looked good in those boxers!
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