Double Trouble

We have received the greatest gift we could possibly get. Not one, but two children to love.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

play group ettiqute

Ok, this is dumb but I have no where else to ask it. We were invited to a playdate this Friday to a twin mom's house that I recently met. And she didn't realize that her playgroup was meeting at her house the same morning but she invited us to join them rather than cancel since my twins are in the same age group and all. We have never been to a playgroup playdate so I am just wondering what the appropriate etiquette is and if it would even apply to me since I am not an official part of the group. We will only be staying maybe 2 hours, but I am wondering if I bring something for the host or some sort of snack for her to serve or even a little something for each of the children(or at least the hostess' children). I feel funny going empty handed. I would have posted this on my twin board but a mutual friend of ours posts there too and I guess I would feel dumb if she saw this or even worse said something to our friend the hostess. So hopefully people will see this and maybe even responds in time for the playdate. I never post here, so I am not sure how many people check this but I figured it was worth a shot.

Monday, August 18, 2008

double doozy

Yes, I know it has been forever since I last posted and who knows when I'll post again. Just to bring you up to speed, D and I are trying to work things out and not get divorced, I am no longer working at Starbucks, the kids are 21 months old and doing great. So tomorrow, I am having my first mammogram and I am really nervous. And the in laws are coming to babysit. It was a little nerve wracking when it was just MIL given what has been going on with me and D but FIL and I always butt heads and I feel he doesn't get what it takes to take care of one toddler let alone two. So now I have to be sure the house is extra clean (instead of just clean enough for mil) and all ontop of the stress of the mammo. I finally went to my 6 month-c-section/exam- follow up OB appt (YES A YEAR LATE) and I got the whole you are over 35 you need a mammo speech, so tomorrow's the day and I am really nervous.