Double Trouble

We have received the greatest gift we could possibly get. Not one, but two children to love.

Friday, September 07, 2007

starting WW again

I am finally going to try to lose this baby weight that I still have on me and then some. A few events happened lately that really been a big wake up call. 1) My sister and her fiancee came to town for her bridal shower and they were big to begin with but they both put on so much more weight, it was shocking. It is really scary and I worry about them. My father, who was not overweight but smoke and drank, died at 40 of a heartattack. And my sister is 40. So this is not a road that I want to follow and I know that if I don't do something soon, it will be. 2) We got a new early intervention physical therapist and she is very overweight. She does a good job with them but another view of how I do not want to be. 3)A guy I know, my age, 36, who was a little chunky but nothing horrible, had a heart attack this summer. It was from stress and eating badly. Thank god he is ok and has no heart damage. All of these reasons are a big wake up call to me. Not only for myself but now I have the little munchkins to think about. I hope that I can be successful at this and maintain it this time.


At 9/08/2007 8:15 AM , Blogger Jessica said...

Ilyse I pray you are successful and do well. I know how hard it is to really get yourself on track especially after having kids- it's even harder. I hope you do so very well and that you can help guide me when it's my turn say after January!

At 9/09/2007 10:00 AM , Blogger neko and the crocodile said...

Will be rooting for you girl! :) Just checking back in after the summer. Hope everyone is ok. You are a great momma chica I know it feels sometimes like no matter what we do it's not right but you are doing great. *hugs*

At 9/12/2007 9:38 AM , Blogger Tina / Anxious Changer said...

Good luck to you! DH and my FIL are both on it and are doing really well (FIL better than DH though). I think, once you get into the swing of it, it will become more routine and it will be easier.


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