technology sucks*updated*
We have a wireless router to connect my laptop to the internet. For a while now the connection has been iffy, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. We got a new router last fall, not cheap. Worked great for a little bit, then iffy, now cannot connect at all. So my only computer time is while the kids are napping when I have 900 other things to do. I use D's desktop computer then that is not in a kid friendly part of the house and when he is home, he is usually on it. Being that D is a Mac guy and other computers are not allowed in this house, the laptop and router are both made by Apple. So since we are not exactly sure if it is the computer or router with the problem, after watching the kids while he goes 20 miles for a haircut (a BIG issue that I will never win) and before my lovely late afternoon and evening at Starbucks, I will be dragging this stuff to the Apple store at the mall praying they can fix it under the Apple Care warranty that we have. Then I can again have the luxury of going online (weather it be to pay bills, get childcare advice, shop, chat with friends, etc) whenever I want to. It is technology that spoiled me in this area in the first place and now I am dying without it.
Trip to the Apple store was successful. My wireless laptop is now connecting to the internet once again!! Oh joy, happy day!