Double Trouble

We have received the greatest gift we could possibly get. Not one, but two children to love.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

need blog help

And I have searched help. Does anyone know how to only allow people that I choose to read certain entries?? I have an entry coming that is a doozy and I do not want just anyone to read it. Thanks in advance.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving everyone

Things I am thankful for:
my two precious angels sleeping upstairs

my wonderful friends and family

the fact that I did well in the inlaw department, not like some people I know that have a really hard time with theirs

the good health of me and most of my friends and family

the roof over our heads

the fact that we live ok, we don't have alot but we are not starving either

the praise and appreciation and not sure how to put this... ok, got it, the inlaws being proud of me for my cooking of the turkey, stuffing and potatoes (they are wonderful cooks)

Things I am not thankful for:
The fact that I am not with my family on this day because my mom and my sister live out of state and I am too tired to argue with dh about it because he wants to see his family (we have a standing invitation to my cousin's but we started doing it when we got married as not to split the day between different houses, it evolved to the inlaws, bil, dh's grandpa, and dh's aunt and cousins)I love dh's family and enjoy spending time with them and it is nice to have the holiday here where the munckins can go go bed in their own room when they need to. It would just be nice to be appreciated and not be given a hard time about everything that I ask for helpwise (from dh, NOT his family, they were great).

The fact that I have not spoken to my mom in over a week because she is a very selfish woman and since I was pregnant I refuse to deal with it the way I used to and she does not see it at all. This happened also over Yom Kippur and I caved in and called her and she was not nice, so this time I didn't and neither did she. My dad passed when I was 14 and she is all I have and out of everyone in my life, I feel the least supported by her. This hurts me so bad that I cannot even tell you.

***sorry this is turning into a mini-vent****

The sadness and lonely feeling that I have today and pretty much always due to the above and a husband that never seems to want to spend time with me or his family, he only does when he has to because I need to take care of something else. He is too busy "working". To give him credit he did do well today when I was busy cooking and hosting, he cared for the babies and did a few things that I asked when they were napping but again it was not without argument and him being very annoying. BUT don't you know, that supporting a family and working a paying job is all that a man needs to do to make things 50/50? Oh and sorry if tmi, he thinks that showing me that he loves me is hanging on me and wanting sex especially right after he is a complete jerk and then is like but I love you. I tell him that if he did he would act like it and remind him of all the things I have told him over the years that would show me his love. I still rarely see any of them.

Just reminding myself again how thankful that I am to have my two little miracles, they are the best thing that ever happened to me and make my life worth living.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

new name, new template

Thanks Amy for the name. I think I like this blog. I just have to go back in and add my links. I forgot to do that before I changed it. Oh well.

***I started this message earlier and had to save it because mil got here. so I am going to try to change my links now. Hopefully I remember how to do this.*****

Saturday, November 17, 2007

time for a change

Ok, I think I need to change the name of my blog and description but since I am so not creative, I am asking for suggestions. Anyone got any ideas for me?? Thanks in advance!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

babies are 1 today

I cannot believe that a whole year has gone by. This will be a quick post as we are getting ready to drive 13 hours tonight for my sister's wedding this weekend. My babies are not babies anymore, they are toddlers now. Crazy!! They had their birthday party this past weekend with friends and family and they did great. It was a nice time for all. And they loved eating cake for the first time and people loved watching them eat it. LOL Happy Birthday my sweet babies!

taken at birth, Justin on the left, Ellie on the right

taken this morning

cake picture from the party