Double Trouble

We have received the greatest gift we could possibly get. Not one, but two children to love.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

just stuff about stuff

Oh wow, it has been longer than I thought since I have posted on here. Not much is really going on. Now it is just a waiting period I guess. Waiting for the d & c, waiting to begin stims, waiting for the ER and ET, but that's it really. I guess everything else is pretty much status quo.

I had my annual review at work on Friday. It went alot better than I thought it would. I was very surprised. My boss is very happy with me. I was not expecting that since I had a rough year. Most of the "rough spots" were done before our busy season began in October and ended last month. So I guess I redeemed myself or she forgot. But either way, everything was fine. I got the highest possible raise which was good except that it is only 3.5% of an already shitty salary, so 3.5% of not much, is still not much. Oh well. She only touched on one negative thing, which I already knew she would pick that and there is a spot on the form for area needed for improvement so she had to write something. So I was not too upset about that. And it looks like I may get promoted to one of 2 positions. One is something new they are creating, I think it was already in the works and she told me about it on Friday. Alot of it is stuff I do already and then some new stuff. They are going to add more to my position and then split it up into 2 positions. And the other came up because someone gave notice last week. It all depends on if any of the people right above me are ready to get promoted, then I can get promoted into their position. It's all just a matter of which position and when this will happen. It sounded like she wanted all this to happen quickly but who knows. But still it was a good review overall and it made me feel really good.

I did not go to the sorority event on Saturday after all. D is doing graphics work for my cousin's husband who is starting his own business. So I found on Friday night that my cousin was coming too and then on Saturday morning that they were bringing their 5 year old niece (my other cousin's daughter). So I knew there was no way I could go out and that I needed to serve some sort of food since they were coming out from Manhattan (1 hr-1.5 hr ride) and arriving at 11:30. I was not thrilled since I was not planning on entertaining this weekend and I had planned to clean the house today, not Friday night after work but it worked out ok. We just had bagels, lox and cream cheese, so no cooking for me!!! And then us girls went and got manicures and pedicures while the guys worked. It was fun. And the niece ended up being really well behaved and they even put flowers on her nails, it was very cute. I thought it might bother me having her around but I guess because she is a little older and her mom was not there, it was ok. I guess it is more watching my cousin be a mother hurts more than being around the actual child when they are at that age.

So anyway, I have not done anything about my friend yet. I want to and I appreciate all the advice you have all given me, but that is something that has always been hard for me. Friend's don't usually piss me off, not the way family or D does, I don't let it. But when it does happen, I usually don't say anything, I just keep my distance for a while and then I get over it. I am not good at confronting friends. I know if I don't say something then it is my own issue and she will just keep doing it if I don't say something. I still might, I just haven't decided yet.

The rest of the weekend was pretty uneventful, which is fine by me. I got to take naps Saturday and Sunday and catch up on my soap opera, you know, the important stuff. And then there is the usual laundry and food shopping. And I went to Costco today too. And now I am catching up on emails and blogs and hanging out on the internet.

So I guess that's it for now. Good night :)


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