Double Trouble

We have received the greatest gift we could possibly get. Not one, but two children to love.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

yes, I have been MIA

Hey folks in blog world, I know I have been MIA from both my blog and the others that I frequent and post on. Me and the babies are doing just fine. Things have just been really hectic lately and last weekend we had a family wedding and were not home all weekend. The plan was to post here today and also to catch up on everyone else's blogs before we leave in an hour to go to a family event but this heat is really getting to me. I am not feeling well at all. The only thing that is keeping me still going to this thing today is that the house we are going to has central air conditioning and we don't. We had an ob appointment on Thursday and got to see the little ones and they are doing great and we go back to the MFM tomorrow. We also took 16 week belly pics yesterday (which again are awful) so hopefully in the next few days I will have a belly pic and new sono pics to post. To everyone that has blogs that I have neglected, please know that I think about all you guys all the time and hope that you are well. I hope to be able to catch up on things this week. Have a great day!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

went to Babies R' Us today

It was very exciting. We went to look around at somethings before we go to register in a few weeks. We spent an hour there. I had also looked at somethings online to get ideas before we went. It was so nice to be there for us and not for gifts we needed to get. I won't lie, it was a little overwhelming but it was fun and exciting too!! We chose the bedding. I liked a few different ones including this one but D liked this the best. It does not look great in the pictures that I could find on the internet but we saw it set up on a crib and it was really adorable.

And we got me this body pillow while we were there. Now hopefully I can sleep like a baby.

back to the doctor

We were suppose to go back to the MFM on Monday but we ended up going on Friday because I had red bleeding on Thursday night. I paged the doctor and since it was not heavy, he said to take it easy and come into the office Friday morning. So we went and saw our miracle babies again. Everything was perfect. The blood clot was still there but it did get a little smaller. So technically I could still bleed but at least it is getting smaller. And the baby aspirin they put me on last time seemed to be doing what they had hoped it would. It was nice to see and hear that everything is going so well. The only thing that was annoying is that they will not be able to give us the lengths of the babies anymore because they measure each part (bellies, heads, etc) individually now and we liked to keep track. Oh well, everything was measuring fine, the cervix was long and closed, the amniotic fluid amounts were fine and everything else you could think of was fine, and that is what is important.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

babies website

Here is the big reveal. LOL I have been keeping a babies website, since family and friends don't know about this blog. D hates it because he can make one much nicer but this one was one of those ready made ones and I wanted to do one that would be easy for me to update whenever I wanted to, without having to wait for or bother him with it. This way people could check it out and get updates whenever.

Here is the link:

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

new pics

12w2d sono pic and the 12w3d belly photo

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

this weekend

So this weekend was very fun and exciting and exhausting for us! On Friday, I told my coworkers and D told the ones that were there about our good news. He will tell the rest and his boss on Wednesday. And over the weekend we told our grandparents and extended families. They are all so thrilled and excited for us. I must say, it is starting to seem a little more real now. We are going to a family bar-be-que today on D's side and it will be my first time out in maternity clothes. Well I have worn pants to run out before but with a big T-shirt so it was not noticeable, so to me it doesn't really count. LOL It all still feels weird and like a dream but each day it is starting to feel a little more like this is reality and my dream is coming true.

Even though my OB told us that I am not high risk and that we do not need a specialist (a MFM) we decided to go to one anyway. And after the bleeding last week we were so glad that we had the appointment for yesterday. We went to one that was recommended by a friend of mine. Her OB sent her to him and she had nothing but good things to say about him. And when I called the office to make my appointment and give them my info, they were very nice and I got a really good feeling about them. That was all confirmed when we went yesterday. He was really good and really looks in depth. The sonogram itself lasted over a half hour. Their equipment is top notch and they really measure and look at everything. We were really impressed. The babies are doing great. But he said the blood flow in the placenta was a little sluggish and is starting me on baby aspirin right away. They took some blood from me and we both have to go to Quest for some additional bloodwork. He said I am a very high risk patient due to, infertility for so long, twins, bleeding, age, and alot of other factors (we are both overweight, have cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc. in the immediate family). He thinks that everything will be fine but was just glad we were there now before the placenta finished forming where he can help with issues if need be rather than come in after the fact and just try to prevent problems later on. I also have some fibroids that could cause some problems. I guess they will know more after they get the bloodwork back and they can compare from this sono to the next one. Also while I did not have the Ultra Screen blood work, they did the NT scan and everything was normal. So while there still could be a possibility of genetic issues, that was very reassuring. The only thing is, we have to switch OBs. We are ok with that I am just nervous about the new place and hoping we will like it. We found out after the fact, that this is my friend's OB as well and she really likes him alot and her baby is happy and healthy. I don't feel like we have time to "shop" around now but considering he coming to us recommended, as long as we feel that we will get the proper care with him, then that is good enough for me. The other thing that makes me a little nervous, is that I would be delivering at different hospital than I thought and I don't know anything about them at all. I think they are suppose to be good and I will ask around and ask my friend's dh who is a nurse and always honest with us. I do feel good that we did this now and that the babies are in good hands. It is just really scary to know that we almost trusted my original OB and that they were obviously not taking proper care of me or my babies.


Ok, I have been tagged by Jessica and Shazz. I can't do it right now and I need to think about those answers. I just wanted to acknowledge it and say that I will do it when I can. At least I think I will. Here are the questions that I will be thinking about.

7 things I'd like to do before I die:

7 things that I can't do:

7 things that attracted me to my husband:

7 books (or series of books) that I love:

7 movies I'd watch over & over:

7 people I'd like to tag: