still feel crappy
Only this time literally as well as emotionally. I have a cold. So I did not get to go see my babies today and I was not happy about it. I will go tomorrow because I need to drop off my milk (I have been told that it is ok to pump while I have a cold) but I will ask for a mask when near my babies and I won't stay long. I just miss them so much. I hate this.
I hate having to rely on other people (the nurses) to take care of them and to have to ask to hold them or to do anything else with them. I want things to be normal and just to be able to take them home and live our lives.
I feel like it is my fault that they were born so early and in the NICU in the first place. Like I said before, we forced my body to do something it couldn't handle. And now I am having a tough time getting a good milk supply with pumping and now because I got run down from not getting enough sleep (due to pumping at night/early morning) I got sick. I really just feel like I can't do anything right. I know, I know, I shouldn't feel that way but I can't help it.