I never thought I'd have so many tears once a baby came after ttc for so long. But right now, I am dealing with my babies not drinking enough fluids, they just won't, and them having a hard time going #2. They go but it is difficult for them and when they do it is very hard. And as we speak they are not napping even though they are in their cribs and completely exhausted. I am having a panic attack. I don't know what to do and I feel like I can't breathe. Dh makes no decisions and leaves it all up to me. I just can't do it all all the time. I am trying my best with these situations but still I feel like it is not good enough. I am not taking care of my babies well enough. Ds had a little bit of a nap but none so far for dd and I have the EI people coming later today so I was trying to plan it around their afternoon nap and they need a bath today too. There is just so much and I guess I am just not cut out for this because I feel this way alot lately. I love them so much but they deserve so much better than me. They deserve a stable mother who is not a basket case that can be sure they get everything they need and I am not that. I just don't know what to do anymore, when does it get easier??????