first sonogram
We had our first sonogram this morning. It was very exciting. We tried really hard not to let bitch-face sono tech ruin it for us. Even D thought she was a bitch and he doesn't think that about most people. Lucky for us, favorite nice nurse was in there to balance it out. LOL So anyway, we saw one sac!!! They said everything looked good and like what it was supposed to look like. It still does not seem real. I am not exactly sure what is suppose to happen, like if they are suppose to see it right away, take the pic and a bunch of measurements and enter in some info and that's it or if they are suppose to do that and then look around incase there is another one. Well besides telling me to wait when I had a question, she did not look around, so you never know, there could be another one in there. I really don't think there is but like I said, you never know. So our next one is a week from Friday, on May 26th. They told us we could go back in a week but we took the day off from work. So we made our appointment for a more normal time than today's 7am appointment and we will go out for breakfast and spend the day together afterwards. And I am figuring we should definitely see the heartbeat at that point. I just didn't want to go too soon next week and not see it and worry. I just don't know how I will make it for the next 8 working days (the weekend should be ok) until then, today went on forever!!
Congrats on your little baby in there. So happy to see this lovely sono from you. Beautiful and Amazing and I look forward to seeing more!
So I'm confused... your next one is a week from this Friday or a week from the 26th? I'm assuming it's a week from Friday and is ON the 26th because that's 8 working days.
Anyway you guys and the baby are always in my prayers. May this be everything you wanted and more!
Thanks so much Jessica!! Sorry to confuse you, it is on May 26th. I definitely could not wait another week after that! LOL I will change the wording so that others can understand.
YEA, Sac!
Hurrah !!! :)
Looking good! *hugs*
Nice sac!
Sorry, I just HAD to say it......actually, I thought that someone else would, but I had to take the bull by the horns there.......
C'mon, you were thinking it-don't lie!!
Seriously, looking good!!
Thanks so much ladies!!! S, you crack me up. That was so funny!
I 2nd the nice sac comment. Congrats on everything. So happy for you and excited.
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