Double Trouble

We have received the greatest gift we could possibly get. Not one, but two children to love.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

other peoples' blogs

If you have a blog and you are currently reading this, please know that it has been hard for me to keep up with postings on blogs and even message boards during the week and know that I do still care. I know that so many people read and post on my blog and I just feel really bad and wanted to explain. At work they are cracking down on internet usage, it is really annoying. Some sites are totally blocked (such as personal email sites and fertility friend) and some I just get a big warning in the corner of the page (such as fertility family). It is really annoying and I feel like "big brother" is watching your every move. So I am scared to try to do anything online over there anymore. And D and I have been carpooling to work twice a week, and since he works in Queens, it means that I get dropped off at least an hour early and picked up an hour after work ends. And on most nights I am so exhausted when I get home, I have been taking a nap first, then eating dinner, doing dishes, getting our clothes and such ready for the next day, maybe watching some tv, then my ass shot, then bedtime. It does not leave much time for internet usage, which does not make me happy. So anyway, if I have not posted on your blog in a while, please know that I am still thinking about you and I still do care, alot!! I plan to check out blogs and post after this. Hope you are having a great weekend!


At 5/21/2006 9:44 PM , Blogger Shelli said...

sweetie - you're preggers - you're SUPPSED to be tired! :)

At 5/22/2006 7:34 PM , Blogger Jessica said...

Don't be silly! Rest up while you can!

At 5/23/2006 2:10 PM , Blogger cat said...

Agreed... rest, don't worry about anything but taking care of yourself right now. We will all be here rooting for you. :)



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