Double Trouble

We have received the greatest gift we could possibly get. Not one, but two children to love.

Monday, June 26, 2006

how nice.......

We had a very busy weekend this weekend and needless to say I am exhausted. We had a wedding on Saturday and a christening on Sunday. And let me just say the christenings in D's family are like weddings. Normally on occasions like these I would stress about what to talk about with the other people at the table at the wedding when they are talking about their kids or how to deal with being at an event for a baby, especially when there are alot of other small children there. But for once in a really long time, it was nice to 99% not feel like that. I wasn't sure how it was going to be since the cat is still not out of the bag. At the wedding I am not sure if any of the others at the table had kids but no one talked about it anyway. The only thing that would have bothered me a little was that D's bestfriend (the bride's brother) and his wife are very pregnant and she looked just adorable and everyone was commenting on it. The thing, besides my little ones, that made it not bother me is the fact that they went through infertility too. And yesterday I actually enjoyed the christening and seeing the baby and the other kids. The only thing that would have made it better was if they knew our news. But soon enough that will happen (this coming weekend). We did leave the wedding early and at the end of the christening I was anxious to leave. But it was because I was exhausted and my back was hurting, not because of the pain of infertilty that we had experienced for so long. Don't get me wrong, I will never forget all we have been through and all the pain, as I think it is burned in my brain but it was so nice just to be able to enjoy these events as I used to be able to.


At 6/26/2006 12:01 PM , Blogger dawn said...

So glad you had a nice weekend! Telling your family next weekend will be an exciting time.

At 6/26/2006 2:13 PM , Blogger Shelli said...

I'm so glad it was such a great weekend for you!

How are the beans?


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