Double Trouble

We have received the greatest gift we could possibly get. Not one, but two children to love.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


There were 15 follicles this morning and my lining was 12, so that made me feel a little better today. Some were small but at least it was more. Dr S was not there yet when I was in, but I spoke to S, the nice nurse practitioner, so it was ok. If the other nurse practitioner from yesterday wasn’t such an asshole, I guess she could have told me that they expected more were coming (that is what S told me today, that they could tell more were coming). And they upped the meds today, so I guess it is all good. The only bad thing is that I may loose a couple of larger eggs while they wait for the smaller ones to catch up but there is nothing I can do about it. I feel better than I did yesterday about things. Also it was annoying because I was there for an hour and a half, so I was late for work but it is much easier to be late here than at my old place so it wasn’t too terrible. I asked her also about the estrogen and she didn’t really give me a straight answer so I guess it is like I thought, it just happens to some people that respond well. But she did say that my levels are high but ok, they are just trying to keep them that way, like not close to over-stimming or anything but since I had been in the past, they are trying to not even let me get close. So I guess that is good. She was really nice and reassured me.

I also feel better today because I had the best lunch!! I ran to weigh in and didn’t say because we had a luncheon with food catered from a really good Italian restaurant and I ate what I wanted. So I felt happy and full after that. Now if only I could have had a nap too.


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