I went to the peri yesterday. Baby B is fine. Baby A is back down to the 25th percentile, which is not good but not the worst of things.
While trying to get the needed measurements, the tech was having troubles getting one. So it prompted her to look further and while doing that she had an interesting find where baby A's cord is inserted into the placenta. Because of all the bleeding that I had in the beginning, the placenta did not totally form properly (which we knew) so the cord instead of being in the middle of the placenta, is more towards the side. And because of that, one of the veins that make up the cord, is not embedded into the placenta the way it should be. It is also not covered in the protective gook that now covers the rest of the cord and the baby at this point. And it is crossing right over my cervix. And baby A's head is right near the cervix as well. So this all means a few different things. The first two, with that vein, if the head puts pressure on the vein, it can decrease blood flow to baby A. Or if the baby is just hanging out, doing it's normal baby things, it can get caught on the vein and accidentally rupture it. Either of these two issues can lead to death of the baby, brain damage or learning disabilities later on. If they see that the baby is in distress due to this, they will be forced to deliver both babies.
The other 2 scanarios are due to the slower growth of baby A. While he/she is still growing, it is not at the rate it should be. It is not horrible right now, but it is not so good either. So if the baby goes below the 10th percentile or if the difference in size between the 2 babies becomes too far apart, again they will be forced to deliver both babies.
Right now, they want to try to get me to 32 weeks. The whole thing is just really scary. I mean any of these things could happen and I would not know. I will be going weekly now to the peri and I am waiting for the ob to call me back on this but still, even once or twice a week, does not seem like enough to me. I am not willing to risk my baby's life or his/her quality of life. And the other thing is, I always knew in the back fo my mind that we may have premature babies that my need to be in NICU and not be able to come home I do but I was hoping that would not be the case. Now it seems that more likely than not, it will be. I was never expecting to hear this sort of news yesterday. I am trying to think positively and not worry but it is just more easier said than done.