please say a prayer for Baby B
Saturday night we were out and when we came home I had some light red spotting again. The next morning and pretty much everytime I have used the progesterone suppositories since then, it has been brown spotting. This time I did not freak out as much and call the RE emergency line since they told us it could happen again. But I did get up early and called them as soon as they were opened. They said to come in. I felt bad because it was a Sunday on a holiday weekend and they told us they were only scheduling people for 8 and 8:15 so I knew it would be a mad rush. But I really just wanted to talk to someone. I did want a sonogram but at the same time I was very nervous about it. So we had our sonogram and by some miracle bitch sono tech was there and she was soooo nice. I have no idea why but whatever it was, I'll take it. Baby A is doing great, it is still measuring 2 days ahead and the heart rate was 133. So that made me feel so good. Baby B's heart rate went up to 120, which also made me feel good but it is still very small. It did not grow at all in size since Friday (2 days) and was now measuring 4 days behind rather than 2. I know it is still possible for it to start to grow again or that even the measurement was off and it could be totally fine because the heart rate was within normal range. But we saw Dr. Sa (who is really nice) that morning too and she talked with us for a while and was honest and basically said it could go either way at this point and that they really don't know. She said that we should know more when we have the next sonogram. Which will be on Wednesday. She also reassured us that baby A was doing great and that even if god forbid we lost baby B that A would be fine. When they were doing my sonogram, they also saw some blood in there which is why I am bleeding. Dr Sa didn't really know why it happened but said I would probably bleed some more or it could just dissipate. But at least now we know the source. I know that either way, we will end up with at least one baby but now that I we have 2, I want both of them, they are both our children. So if you wouldn't mind, please say a prayer for Baby B to grow big and strong in the next few days. We really can use all the prayers we can get here. Thanks and thanks so much for all the support you have all given so far.